IHTS provides solutions to the pitfalls of traditional heat treating such as part distortion, post-heat treat machining, and part cracking. Our advanced quenching methods have made a huge difference in delivering superior results with less waste.

Quench2FIT is a proprietary suite of heat treating metallurgy technologies that control part distortion by making thermal expansion, thermal shrinkage and phase change expansion uniform and predictable on a “granular” level during processing. The result is that the desired physical properties are achieved on a consistent basis, saving
Learn more.Uniform Quench Renewal Rates (UQRR)
UQRR involves the proper application of quench cooling during heat treatment. Agitated air, inert gas, or other types of quenchants, create a uniform rate of cooling in the “contiguous grains” of austenite as the grains cool to the martensite start temperature and harden. The rate of cooling must be fast enough and uniform enough at the hot
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High Pressure Instant Impact Quench (HPIIQ)
Contrary to popular belief, a faster quench rate DOES NOT increase the probability of cracking or distorting the part. Instant Impact Quench is “uniform and intensive” water quenching applied after Austenitize heating. Very high intensity quenchant flow is needed at the part surface shell to eliminate non-uniform film boiling.
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